Meet Whitney Cobbo and Jonathan Walsh, Youth Hub workers at Cherbourg Regional Aboriginal and Islander Community Controlled Health Services (CRAICCHS).

CRAICCHS’ Youth Hub provides an important service for youth, providing a safe place for young people to catch up, enjoy some meals and some fun, culturally appropriate activities. During school holidays, the Youth Hub provides scheduled activities like football, fishing, arts and crafts and swimming.

Thank you, Whitney and Jonathan, for talking to Sector Leader!


Where are your family from?


How did you get involved in the sector?

I just wanted a change.

What’s the best part of your job?

Hanging out with all the youth and supporting them.

Do you think there are any barriers to youth visiting Aboriginal medical services?

Some of the youth get embarrassed by using services.

Who inspires you?

Community elders. They have more experience within the community and with culture.

Favourite TV?

I watch anything really.

What do you like to do on a weekend to relax?

Hang out with my family and friends.

What’s your favourite music?



Where are your family from?


Tell us about your job.

I’m at the Youth Hub, so I’m with the young people. They keep me on my toes. We have kids from the age of 10-16 come (to the Youth Hub). We play touch footy with them, and on the holidays we had swimming, touch footy and arts and crafts. The kids really loved it.

How did you get involved in the sector?

I was really shamed growing up. I didn’t get out that much. I’m pushing past my barriers, trying to experience life a bit more.

What’s the best part about your job?

Some of the kids come down here, even when they’re not at Youth Hub, we give them meals and fruit. When you see the smiles’ on the kid’s faces… It’s really big to see them not out in the Community and not getting up to mischief.

Do you think there are any barriers to youth visiting Aboriginal medical services?

Shame. It’s a really big thing in the Community. Having a medical centre in our community is a real big step. You get a free T-shirt, and you get to check up on your health.

What do you like to do on a weekend to relax?

I play footy and I catch up with the boys. I play for the Murgon Mustangs. After work, I go to training, maybe go up to the gym with the boys.

What’s your favourite music?

R ‘n’ B. I like to listen to all of them, but I do like Chris Brown.