As the Sector expands, it’s important to equip our health leaders with the necessary knowledge and skills to ensure ACCHOs comply with governance requirements.

Regulators will always keep updating regulations, and we need to make sure our Sector is continuously improving and updating the skills of our leaders.

It’s good then that the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO), the peak body representing Australia’s Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (ACCHO) Sector, is rolling out an 18-month program of governance training Australia-wide.

NACCHO’s Director of the Governance Sector Program, Timothy Brown, a Yawuru man from the Kimberley region of WA and connected to Cape York through his Great Grandparents said, it was great to connect with ACCHOs working in the community, gain a greater understanding of the challenges and issues they face at a local level, as well as share and learn about governance issues that affect their community and services.

He said he would like to come back to Queensland, as part of the program, due to the enthusiastic response from the ACCHOs in attendance.

“We received great feedback from participants, and while we are continuing to roll out the workshops to the rest of the states over the next 12-18 months, I hope to get back to Queensland soon and maybe conduct some workshops in Western Queensland,” Tim said.

Two governance workshops took place in late May 2023 in Gimuy/Cairns and Thul Garrie Waja/Gurrumbilbarra/Townsville over four days and were delivered by a team of NACCHO representatives including, NACCHO Chair, Donnella Mills, acting CEO Dr Dawn Casey, and Berkeley Cox and Shannon O’Brien from King & Wood Mallesons legal firm.

Representatives from Mamu Health Service, Apunipima Cape York Health Council, NPA Family and Community Service, Wuchopperen Health Service, ATSICHS Mackay, Townsville Aboriginal and Islander Health Service, Mulungu Aboriginal Health Service and the North Coast Aboriginal Corporation for Community Health had the opportunity to listen, learn and share their experiences on governance from the joint delivery.

Over the two days, the attendees were guided through diverse topics including director responsibilities, separation of powers, relationships, legal duties associated with positions, and succession planning, among others.

The NACCHO governance workshops are being provided at no charge to NACCHO members and affiliates. Future workshops in Queensland are planned.

If your service is interested in future participation, please contact NACCHO at: