Author: QAIHC

QAIHC to trial clinical genetics healthcare model in ACCHO communities

QAIHC and Central Queensland University will lead a first-of-its-kind healthcare pilot aimed at improving access for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to clinical genetics services. Led by QAIHC Principal Research Advisor, Greg Pratt, a proud Quandamooka man, the three-year project will implement an integrated healthcare model and referral pathway for better access to genetic health services for patients of Aboriginal community controlled health organisations (ACCHOs).

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A fresh cut for a fresh outlook

Goondir Health Services has partnered with Origin Energy to deliver an innovative project that combines traditional barber experiences with counselling services. The Wunna Yarn, Wunna Cut Barber Shop program was officially launched at Tara Hospital on 28 February, accompanied by stalls, lunch, coffee and Rugby League legend Steve Renouf.

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Apunipima joins Wujal Wujal flood support

As a response to the December 2023 flooding event in Wujal Wujal and surrounds, Apunipima Cape York Health Council has been working with Cape York Partnership (CYP), Torres & Cape Hospital & Health Service (TCHHS), Wuchopperen, Centacare and other organisations to provide assistance to community members at this difficult time.

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Members explore aged care opportunities at QAIHC Aged Care Workshop

QAIHC Members have deepened their understanding of the aged care space and how it could enhance their health care offerings at the first QAIHC Aged Care Workshop at Rydges South Bank on 20 February. Triggered by a commitment set down at the QAIHC State Members’ Conference in December, the workshop was held to explore the history, challenges and opportunities for ACCHOs looking to explore new opportunities in the aged care space.

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Sector Leader Magazine is published by the Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council (QAIHC).

We welcome submissions from our Members, Associates and Affiliates on the great work being undertaken within the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Controlled Health Organisation Sector. 

If you would like to contribute story ideas for consideration or comment on items in the current issue, please contact our Communications Team at Previous issues can be viewed online at

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander readers are warned that this publication may contain images or names of people who have passed away.